Incoming kits, models and products for review.
These are the kits, and products, that are incoming for review. They won’t all arrive on the same date – luckily – so there’s a fair chance to review them all, but it might take a couple of weeks…
…also it should be obvious that I’m currently working on a particular German lineup. 😉
Incoming kits:
Trumpeter 1/35 00384 German E-100 Super Heavy Tank
Dragon 1/35 6633 StuG.III Ausf.G w/Zimmerit July 1944 Late Production
Takom 1/144 3001 Landkreuzer P1000 Ratte Proto Type& Panzer VIII Maus 1+2
Hobbyboss 1/35 82445 German VK4502 (P) Hintern
Amusing Hobby 1/35 35A015 German E-100 Super Heavy Tank
Amusing Hobby 1/35 35A011 German Tank Destroyer Jagdpanther II
Tamiya 35297 1/35 Sd.Kfz. 232 Africa-corps
Tamiya 35281 1/35 Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.B (Sd.Kfz.142)
Miniart 36011 1/35 European Street
And a flashback to the 70’s to see if these flak/pak kits are still standing up to the competition today? If not they’re very cheap kits and could at least be scavenged for parts…
Tamiya 35017 1/35 German 88mm Gun Flak 36/37
Tamiya 35035 1/35 German 37mm Anti-Tank Gun
Tamiya 35047 1/35 German 75mm Anti Tank Gun Kit
I’m also going to test some Vallejo paints to see how they stand up to the other paints I’m using regularly, but for brush painting figures, not airbrushing.
Vallejo 70180 Waffen-SS Camouflage (x8)
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