On the bench #7

On the bench #7

Winter (or not?), dodgy paint and Christmas… Well, a lack of posting recently is a sure indication Christmas just went by and not trouble free I can add. PostMord already caved in during September and add Black Friday and Christmas on top of that and the total failure was complete! It looks like no less than five packages are lost. One the seller tried to resend to arrive before Christmas again but it still failed to arrive and...

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On the bench #6

On the bench #6

…and then we’re only two weeks and a bit until Christmas and I can only wonder where this year went? The last couple of weeks, or more like six weeks, I’ve been having a really annoying cold that’s been coming and going without ever really breaking out which has affected my eyes and made modelling harder and tiresome. Tirered eyes that is and it makes concentrating on small details hard, which isn’t great...

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Schwerer Gustav update #1

Schwerer Gustav update #1

It’s here. The mighty Hobby Boss Railway gun Dora 1/72 scale kit and it’s a massive box! An early indication that there’s some repetitive work here… If you don’t like sanding wheels, this isn’t the kit for you! …and more “wheels”! 35 + 75, and then you have to make another three… ?!? Should last me a few hours for sure! Every sprue is wrapped in protective foam and plastic...

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Scale model catalogues – new feature!

Scale model catalogues – new feature!

I don’t know about you but I often visit the manufacturers websites looking for new kits or just wanting to browse their whole catalogue finding models for a build only to discover that they haven’t updated their websites in ages – and you still have no clue if they have that German StuG you were looking for or just the inspiration you were looking for…? I know you can head over to scalemates.com and search...

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