AK Interactive Real Colors
“The new Real Colors paint range is a very, very special step forward for AK. And we guess for you, too.” – quote from AK Interactive website I feel spoiled being a modeller in 2019 with all the fantastic paints we have compared to the stuff we had in the early 80’s when I built my first scale models. Not only do we have a choice between paint types – we also have a wide choice of colours! Sadly finding...
AK Interactive Weathering Pencils
Watercolour pencils?! Is this the latest and greatest for paint and weathering or is it something that we buy on a whim and never use again? (let’s be honest here, we all have bought certain paint and weathering products after watching someone using them with great results and after a couple miserable attempts we put them away to never use them again…) I know a selected few have been using watercolour pencils for...
Hasegawa Falke Antigravity Armored Raider Pkf.85 1/20
Falke Antigravity Armored Raider Pkf.85 Maschinen Krieger Hasegawa – Nr. 64001 – 1/20 Getting started on my first Maschinen Krieger (see previous review, MK44 Ammoknights) I was both curious and eager to find out if all of these Hasegawa Ma.K. kits are of such high standard or if I was just lucky randomly picking the MK44 Ammoknights as my first to build so I cracked open this box and started to go through the sprues and...
Hasegawa Ma.K. MK44 Ammoknights 1/20
MK44 Ammoknights Maschinen Krieger Hasegawa – Series MK07 64007 – 1:20 I’m late to the game with regards to Maschinen Krieger and the somewhat strange lore behind it but I have bought a handful of kits that I will review the coming days. Haven’t built one before I picked what I thought was a simpler kit to begin with to do a quick OOB build but I was very wrong it being a “simple” kit?! I was eager to start the...
On the bench #10
Ok, this is almost one year since my last On the bench post but living with a spinal injury can throw a bigger than usual spanner in the machinery sometimes and last spring it did… I’m ok-ish again and I’m back modelling but I had a long period where it just wasn’t possible due to severe migraine and dodgy eyesight caused by various nerve damage I guess?! I started tinkering with a model around Christmas and...
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